Volunteers needed to help deliver member packets.Contact Jeff if you can help: [email protected]

We did it in 2024. (1000 lbs collected) Let's do it again in 2025
Let's collect plastic and earn another new park bench for Lake Pine.
3/14 - 3/23 @ 117 E. Lake Blvd.
3/14- drop off bin at the St. Patty's Party
3/28 - 3/30 @ 5 Pine Blvd.
4/4 - 4/6 @ 117 Woodland
4/11 - 4/13 @ 215 Falls Ct.
4/18 - 4/20 @ 108 Park Ct. East
4/25 - 4/27 @ 100 E Lake Blvd.
Please do NOT donate the following plastics:
NO crinkly plastic like floral wrap
NO frozen food plastic wrap (from frozen fruit, etc)
NO meat plastic wrap (from hot dogs, lunch meat, etc)
NO Dog or Bird food plastic bags
Please DO donate the following plastics:
YES to soft plastic like the wrap around your toilet paper rolls
YES to plastic shopping bags and lunch bags
YES to amazon bubble packs and plastic bag envelopes
YES to mulch and wood chip bags but they must be clean and dry
YES to all #2 and #4 bags
See the contact info below if
a) You have questions about what can and cannot be collected or
b) you are interested in volunteering to collect and drop off plastic
Contact info Email [email protected] or text 267-334-4834.
Thank you for your participation!
2025 Event Dates & Committee Mtgs:
Location Legend:
(CH) = Clubhouse, (SB) = South Beach, (EB) = East Beach, (MB) = Main Beach, (LP) = Lake Pine
Jan. 7th - Annual Budget Mtg - 7 pm (CH)
Jan. 29th: Book Club @7 pm (CH)
Feb. 4th - Social Committee Mtg @ 7pm (CH)
Feb. 9th - Souper Bowl Party @ 5pm (CH)
Mar. 3rd - Neighboring Lakes Mtg @ 7pm (CH)
Mar. 11th - Book Club @ 7pm (CH)
Mar. 14th - St Paddy's Day Party @ 5pm (CH)
Mar. 29th - Easter Egg Hunt @ 10am(CH Lawn)
Apr. 5th - Clean-Up Day @ 10am (LP)
Apr. 26th - Historical Society @ 4pm (CH)
May 10th - Mother's Day Tea @ 11am (CH)
May 17th: - Yard Sale @ 8am
May 31st: Summer Kick-off Party @ 3pm (SB)
June 14th: Fishing w/ Fathers @ 10am (SB)
June 24th: Last Day of School Party @ 3pm (MB&EB)
July 26th Christmas In July @ 3pm (SB)
Aug. 16th: Adult Luau Party at the Beach @ 6:30 pm (SB)
Aug. 23rd: Fishing Derby @ TBD (SB)
Aug. 29-Sept.1: LAKE PINE DAYS (LP)
Sept. 13th: Camp Out @4pm(SB)
Oct. 3rd: Adult Pumpkin Painting @7pm (CH)
Oct. 18th: Dock or Treat @ 2pm-5pm
Oct. 24th: Halloween Party @ 7pm (CH)
Nov. 26th: Lake Pine Turkey Trot @ 3pm (EB)
Nov. 26th: Thanksgiving Trivia Night @ 7pm (CH)
Dec.7th: Lake Pine Craft Fair@ 10am (CH)
Dec. 13th: Breakfast with Santa @ 10am (CH)
Dec.13th: Holiday Lights Contest @5pm (LP)
Dec.20th: Holiday Party @4pm (CH)
Dec. 31st: New Year's Eve Party @8pm (CH)