The Social Committee had their first meeting of the year on Feb. 4th. They are diligently working on dates for this year's events and will post them once confirmed.
Here's a look back at some of the events from 2024:
- 25 different solo events
- 5 Book Club meetings
-19 Wet Wednesdays
-16 events as part of the annual Lake Pine Days
-Celebrated the 100th anniversary of Lake Pine
One of my personal highlights this year was the inaugural Friday Night Float, which kicked off Lake Pine Days. It was amazing to see such a large crowd gathering on the lake, at the beaches, and on the docks. I’d like to extend a heartfelt thank you to everyone who attended these events—you helped create wonderful memories! A huge thank you also goes to all the volunteers who dedicated their time to making these gatherings so special. If you're interested in joining the social committee or volunteering at future events, we’d love to hear your ideas and welcome any help you can offer. Thanks again to everyone for making Lake Pine such a fantastic place to call home!
Scotty Farrell
Lake Pine Social Committee Chair

We did it! We reached our 1,000 lb NexTrex Goal! Great job Lake Pine.
We are only able to collect & receive 1 bench per year. This means the next collection for another Lake Pine bench will begin in March 2025. Meanwhile, don't stop saving your plastic just because this year's bench challenge is over. Please drop your plastic off at Acme (outside of the west entrance) until we start our new challenge.
For now, we are waiting on info from Trex as to when we will receive the bench. Once we have more information we will share with the community.
Thanks all for your participation and enthusiasm over the past 6 months. We've have so many neighbors volunteer to host the bin which includes weighing and dropping off plastic. Some neighbors collected from their workplace, some collected from parties and events. It has all been appreciated, and not only do we get a beautiful new park bench but we also kept 1,006 pounds of plastic out of landfills. Pretty amazing. Thank you Thank you Thank you!
Contact info you have questions or if you want to help: Email [email protected] or text 267-334-4834.
Thank you for your participation!
Event Dates & Committee Mtgs: - will be updated for 2025 in early Feb.
Location Legend:
(CH) = Clubhouse, (SB) = South Beach, (EB) = East Beach, (MB) = Main Beach, (LP) = Lake Pine
Jan. 7th - Annual Budget Mtg - 7 pm (CH)
Jan. 29th: Book Club @7 pm (CH)
Feb. 4th - Social Committee Mtg @ 7pm (CH)
Feb. 9th - Souper Bowl Party @ 5pm (CH)
Mar. 11th - Book Club @ 7pm (CH)
2024 Events
2024 dates below are being reconsidered for 2025
Feb. 21st - Lakefront Homeowners Mtg (CH) - 7 pm
Mar. 6th - Book Club @ 7pm (CH)
Mar. 15th-16th - Recycling Collection
Mar. 16th - Easter Egg Hunt @ 10am(CH&Lawn
Mar. 16th - St Paddy's Day Party (CH) @ 6pm
Mar. 31st - Deadline for Boat clean-up
Apr. 12th - Historical Society @ 7pm (CH)
May 1st - Book Club @ 7pm (CH)
May 3rd - Cinco de Mayo Fiesta @ 7pm (CH)
May 11th - Mother's Day Tea @ 11am (CH)
May 18th: - Yard Sale @ 8am
May 19th: - Beach Clean-Up @ 10am (CH)
June 8th: Summer Kick-off @ 5pm (SB)
June 15th: Fishing w/ Fathers @ 10am (SB)
June 20th Last Day of School Party @ 3pm (MB&EB)
July 12th: Adult Party at the Beach @ 6:30 pm (SB)
July 15th: Lake Pine Days T-Shirt Contest
July 23rd - Social Comm Mtg (CH)
July 27th Christmas In July @ 3pm (SB)
Aug. 21 - Book Club @7pm (SB)
Aug. 30-Sept. 1 - Lake Pine Days
Sept. 19-Social Comm. Mtg @ 7pm(CH)
Sept. 21-Lake Pine Camp Out @4pm(SB)
Oct. 4th- Adult Pumpkin Painting @7pm (CH)
Oct. 9th - Book Club@ 7pm (CH)
Oct. 19th - Dock or Treat @ 2pm-5pm
Oct. 22nd -Town Hall @ 7pm- Zoom
Oct. 25th - Halloween Party @ 7pm (CH)
Nov. 15th- Volunteer Appreciation @ 7pm (CH)
Nov. 18th- Toy & Clothes Swap @ 6pm (CH)
Nov. 19-Social Comm. Mtg @ 7pm(CH)
Nov. 27th- Lake Pine Turkey Trot @ 3pm (EB)
Nov. 27th - Thanksgiving Trivia Night @ 7pm (CH)
Dec. 7th-Breakfast with Santa @ 10am (CH)
Dec.8th - Lake Pine Craft Fair@ 10am (CH)
Dec. 11th: Book Club (CH)
Dec.21st - Holiday Lights Contest @5pm (LP)
Dec.21st: Holiday Caroling Party @7pm (CH)
Dec. 31- NYE Party - 8 pm (CH)